
The Danger of Antibiotic Overuse

Every year, your family probably faces its share of colds , sore throats, and viruses. When you bring your child to the doctor for these illnesses, do you automatically expect a prescription for antibiotics? Many parents do. And they’re surprised, maybe even angry, if they leave the doctor’s office empty-handed — after all, what parent doesn’t want their kid to get well as quickly as possible? But your doctor could be doing you and your child a favor by not reaching for the prescription pad. How Antibiotics Work Antibiotics, first used in the 1940s, are certainly one of the great advances in medicine. But overprescribing them has resulted in the development of resistant bacteria , that don’t respond to antibiotics that may have worked in the past. Plus, whenever kids take antibiotics they run the risk of side-effects, such as stomach upset and diarrhea or even an allergic reaction. To understand how antibiotics work, it helps to know about the two major types...

The Very First Lady of the United States!

The First Lady of the United States is the hostess of the White House . The position is traditionally filled by the wife of the President of the United States . The First Lady is not an elected position; it carries no official duties and receives no salary. Nonetheless, she attends many official ceremonies and functions of state either along with or in place of the president. Origins of the title The use of the title First Lady to describe the spouse or hostess of an executive began in the United States. In the early days of the republic, there was not a generally accepted title for the wife of the president. Many early first ladies expressed their own preference for how they were addressed, including the use of such titles as “Lady”, “Mrs. President”, and “Mrs. Presidentress”; Martha Washington was often referred to as “Lady Washington.” One of the earliest uses of the term “First Lady” was applied to her in an 1838 newspaper article that appeared in the St. Jo...

Do we know about the 404 Error?

Before the beginning of time, when the Internet was still very much under the spell of bare Unix shells and Gopher, before SLIP or PPP became widely used, an ambitious group of young scientists at CERN (Switzerland) started working on what was to become the media revolution of the nineties: the World Wide Web, later to be known as WWW, or simply ‘the Web’. Their aim: to create a database infrastructure that offered open access to data in various formats: mu lti-media. The ultimate goal was clearly to create a protocol that would combine text and pictures and present it as one document, and allow linking to other such documents: hypertext. Because these bright young minds were reluctant to reveal their progress (and setbacks) to the world, they started developing their protocol in a closed environment: CERN’s internal network. Many hours were spend on what later became the world-wide standard for multimedia documents. Using the physical lay-out of CERN’s network a...

The history behind the phrase 'America First'

In his inaugural address, newly minted President Donald Trump made it clear that his administration will put "America first." In fact, he used the phrase twice. As Los Angeles Times writer Doyle McManus pointed out during the campaign, however, the phrase "America First" has a bit of a loaded history. "Seventy-five years ago, the America First Committee was an isolationist movement that opposed U.S. entry into World War II," McManus writes. He adds that its most famous leader, aviator Charles Lindbergh, argued that Nazi Germany was certain to defeat Britain and that U.S. intervention would be useless. "His followers included more than a few pro-Nazis and anti-Semites," McManus writes. Source: The Los Angels Times

About Flash Video

Flash Video  is a  container file format  used to deliver  digital video  content (e.g.,  TV shows ,  movies , etc.) over the  Internet  using Adobe Flash Player  version 6 and newer. Flash Video content may also be embedded within  SWF  files. There are two different video file formats known as Flash Video:  FLV  and  F4V . The audio and video data within FLV files are encoded in the same manner as they are within SWF files. The F4V file format is based on the  ISO base media file format  and is starting with Flash Player 9 update 3. [1] [2] Both formats are supported in Adobe Flash Player and developed by Adobe Systems. FLV was originally developed by  Macromedia . In the early 2000s, Flash Video used to be the  de facto  standard for web-based streaming video (over  RTMP ). Notable users of it include  Hulu ,  VEVO ,  Yahoo! Video ,  metacafe ,  Reuters....

The history of 404

 Before the beginning of time, when the Internet was still very much under the spell of bare Unix shells and Gopher, before SLIP or PPP became widely used, an ambitious group of young scientists at CERN (Switzerland) started working on what was to become the media revolution of the nineties: the World Wide Web, later to be known as WWW, or simply 'the Web'. Their aim: to create a database infrastructure that offered open access to data in various formats: mu lti-media. The ultimate goal was clearly to create a protocol that would combine text and pictures and present it as one document, and allow linking to other such documents: hypertext. Because these bright young minds were reluctant to reveal their progress (and setbacks) to the world, they started developing their protocol in a closed environment: CERN's internal network. Many hours were spend on what later became the world-wide standard for multimedia documents. Using the physical lay-out of CERN'...
পর্ন সাইট বন্ধ করা দরকার তবে কে কে পর্ন সাইটে ঢোকে তার তালিকা প্রকাশ করার কথা বলাটা অত্যন্ত হাস্যকর । লোম বাঁছতে কম্বল উজাড়ের অবস্থা আর কি । আমি যে ব্রডব্যান্ড চালাই সেটা শেয়ার্ড আইপি । আবার , আমার ঘরে রাউটার দিয়ে অন্তত ৫ টা ডিভাইসে নেট চলে একই । খুবই হাস্যকর কথা বার্তা এটা আসলে । বাংলাদেশের সমস্যা হলো এক্সপার্টাইজ ছাড়া মানুষ জনকে মন্ত্রানলয়ে বসিয়ে দেয়া হয় । আর মন্ত্রীদের পাশে যারা থাকে বেশির ভাগ হয় চাটুকার টাইপের । মন্ত্রীর কাছে তারা যে তথ্য এনে ধরেন , মন্ত্রীরা সেটার উপর ভিত্তি করে বলে । যাই হোক , একেকবার একেক সিদ্ধান্ত হয় আর হাঁসির রোল উঠে সবার মাঝে ।